Software Upgrade Version 7.4.2


Dyno Dynamics Software Upgrade Version 7.4.2

We are happy to announce the new 7.4.2 Dyno Dynamics software Upgrade! The research and development team have been very hard at work to offer our customers the latest in Dyno Dynamic’s technology.

Features include

  • Target any screen parameter eg:
    • AFR
    • Vacuum
  • Alarms can be set on any user channel
    • User defined alarms can now be set on any channel
  • Tacho input now available from
  • RPM can be inputs into command RPM *
  • Snapshots enhancement now include time and date and can be processed any time
  • Enhanced customer & vehicle dialogue look ups and search facility, increased vehicle data storage
  • Improved menu selection
  • Default Ramp rate now set at 80
  • Larger font for Maximum Power Figure
  • Comparison mode showing power on other brand dynos
  • Select units directly from each axis on graph screens
  • New database
    • Enables faster look ups
    • Each run stored in a separate file
    • More robust database
  • Improved and enhanced and screen graphics
  • Enhanced installer
  • Manual load mode
  • Flywheel power can be displayed on graph
  • Operator can establish the percentage difference required for changes to variables by using the cursor to set a target on the vertical axis
  • Streamlined processing capabilities

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