Service and Support

Service and Support

To protect your investment - our rapid response after sales technical support system ensures the continuity of your operation.

Our ongoing research and development program leads to regular product enhancement and upgrades as well as important discoveries that are incorporated into our training programs and communicated to our customers through technical bulletins, training videos and our newsletter.

When you buy a Dyno Dynamics dynamometer you gain the competitive edge:

Free technical advice

  • World class - user friendly systems
  • Full training on commissioning of the system
  • Sales & Marketing assistance package
  • Unrivaled service and technical support (Factory, dealer, phone, email, fax)
  • Training schools (plus videos, CDs etc.)
  • Access to ongoing product upgrades and enhancements

If we do not have a standard product combination to suit your needs, the Dyno Dynamics team can provide friendly and professional advice on custom solutions and designs.

The Total Solution

Prior to purchase we ask questions and offer good advice. At Dyno Dynamics, we take a personal interest in you and your business. This approach ensures that you invest in the most suitable and cost effective product for your business.

Upon installation

We provide quick, effective and comprehensive product training. This ensures that you obtain maximum technical benefit from the Dyno Dynamics product.

The business side of things

Our experienced staff can provide you with marketing and sales material. This ensures immediate start up and successful operation of the dyno section of your business.

Sales features

Owning a Dyno Dynamics dynamometer will help you sell dyno and diagnostic work to your customers.

All Dyno Dynamics equipment has a range of sales features that

  • Attract more customers to your workshop
  • Explain work done, ensuring ultimate customer satisfaction
  • Provide proof of repair quality, ensuring that the motorist is happy to pay for repairs
  • Raise your business profile and professional image

Moving into the future

Dyno Dynamics ongoing product enhancement, support, and training ensure that both you and your Dyno Dynamics equipment remain at the forefront of technology.

Research & Development

Dyno Dynamics comprehensive research and development program ensures products and services deliver the most reliable and user-friendly solutions available.

Dyno Dynamics Team skills

The Dyno Dynamics team possesses a comprehensive range of skills

  • Diverse industry knowledge
  • Mechanical engineering capability
  • Electronic design
  • Computer hardware
  • Computer software
  • Training

Contact us

Our customer service team is here to help you. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Contact us

Latest news

We are still operating.

About us

The world renowned Dyno Dynamics has been designing and manufacturing chassis dynamometers and engine dynamometers for over 25 years and is the largest dyno manufacturer in the southern hemisphere....

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Contact us

Head Office
Factory 4, 5 Burgess Road
Bayswater North VIC 3153,

Int.Tel: + 61 3 9735 8900
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.